- 1). Twist the cork into one end of the dowel rod. Drill a hole into one of the wooden blocks, and slide it about two-thirds of the way from the uncorked end of the rod and glue it into place. Allow for it to dry.
- 2). Place a washer on the rod and slide it down until it touches the block. Then, slide the straw over the end of the dowel rod, and secure in place with the second washer. Drill a hole in the second block and place it on the back end of the rod. Secure it in place with glue and wait for it to dry.
- 3). Make a rotor out of a square piece of paper by cutting a slit diagonally inward from each corner, about a third of the distance to the center of the piece of paper. Put a small amount of glue on the center point of the paper. Fold back the corner of the left side of one slit until it touches the center point. Rotate the paper and repeat this process until your paper resembles a pinwheel. Secure the rotor by using a tack to affix it to the cork.
- 4). Attach the thread to the dowel rod between the cork and the first block, and wind it around until only a small amount hangs below the rod. At the end of this thread, tie a small fishing hook.
- 5). Unwind the string and hold on to the turbine by the straw. Attach an object to the hook. When the rotor moves, as a result of wind blowing it, the rod will turn and the string will wind itself around the rod, causing the object to be lifted up.