- 1). Place a rectangle or square of fabric on a level, flat surface.
- 2). Place a ruler or straight-edge over the fabric at a 45-degree angle to the grain or cross-grain of the fabric and mark this long edge with a pencil. Closely examine the threads of the fabric to help determine the grain or cross-grain. If necessary, use a protractor to help mark the 45-degree angle.
- 3). Mark a second line parallel line to the first line. A width of 1 inch between the two parallel lines creates a ½-inch wide bias tape. For a wider width of bias tape, mark the parallel lines farther apart.
- 4). Cut the fabric with scissors or a rotary cutter to make a long strip or ribbon of fabric.
- 5). Place the fabric strip wrong-side up on the ironing board. Fold and press the edges ¼ inch along each long edge. If necessary, use straight pins to keep the fabric in place while pressing. Remove all the pins. The bias tape should look like a ribbon with two long folded edges, with the raw edges almost facing each other at the middle.
Single-Fold Bias Tape