Things You'll Need
Prepare the Glue Mixture
1Make a simple mixture by combining white glue with water. This is the easiest glue to make, since all you have to do is add 3 parts of glue to 1 part of water. For instance, if you have 3 cups of glue, add 1 cup of water to thin it to the appropriate consistency.
Try a kitchen recipe for making pi?ata glue if you don't have white glue on hand. By combining 2 cups of all-purpose flour to 1 cup of water, you can create a paste that will hold your paper strips together. It will dry very hard, making a nice container to hold the candy.
Add 1 tbsp. of salt to the flour mixture to prevent mold if you are making the pi?ata in a humid climate.
Store flour and water glue at room temperature for up to 24 hours before using it. If you need to wait longer before putting your pi?ata together, don't make the glue until you're ready to use it.
Put the Pi?ata Together
1Blow up your balloon to use as the base of your pi?ata. Inflate it a little less than full to keep it from popping as you apply the paper strips.
Soak the strips of newspaper in your chosen glue mixture and layer them, one at a time, on your balloon.
Apply the strips evenly, smoothing as you go, until you have covered the entire balloon with 3 layers of thickness. For a pi?ata that is very large or one that will hold lots of candy, you can apply another one to two layers.
Allow the pi?ata to dry completely before inserting a needle in the small opening, popping the balloon and pulling it out.
Fill your pi?ata with candy or other small objects and decorate it with small pieces of crepe paper to make it colorful.