- A wig block is a canvas or Styrofoam shaping device. It resembles a human head, and a wig maker uses it to form the wig into a shape that will reliably fit on a human head. In wigs that are custom made for individuals, a person's head measurements are transferred to the block using lengths of ribbon to mark the necessary size. This allows for a perfect, personalized fit.
- Though the material is called lace, it more closely resembles a fine cotton mesh. The wig maker shapes and sizes the lace to the wood block, then cuts and sews the lace until it matches the desired dimensions. It is held tightly to the block, and the mesh gives the wig maker a place to anchor each hair.
- A hackle is a wooden or metal plate with pointed steel needles sticking up from it. A hackle is typically attached to the table and then used to blend or straighten the hair. This helps the hair lie flat, and it allows for all the hair to remain organized on the table. Drawing mats are two pieces of leather or canvas that are lined with short sharp wires. The drawing mats hold the hair in place as the wig maker works with each individual strand.
- Ventilating needles come in a wide variety of sizes, and they are typically straight metal shafts with a slight bend in the end. These needles allow the wig maker to grab one or a few strands of hair, thread them through the mesh in the lace and knot them together. The size of the ventilation needle used depends on how many strands the wig maker knots at one time.
Wig Block
Organizational Tools
Ventilating Needles