- 1). Cut a length of about ten feet of speaker wire. Any type of conductive wire would work, but speaker wire is very flexible and easy to work with.
- 2). Strip one end of the speaker wire with your wire strippers. You don’t have to expose too much of the metal wires; about an inch will work.
- 3). Wrap the length of the speaker wire around the metal arts and craft hoop. Go all the way around the hoop, and tie the wire off on the hoop so that it stays in place. Allow yourself a few feet worth of room on the other side with the stripped wire. This will work as your antenna, and using the metal hoop means that you can hang it up anywhere on you walls or entertainment center.
- 4). Locate the UHF antenna area on the back of your TV. Usually, this will say “UHF” and has a couple of little metal screws right under it.
- 5). Attach the stripped end of your antenna to the UHF screws on the back of your TV. You will probably need a little flathead screwdriver.
- 6). Hang your antenna. It’s easier to find a place for your antenna if you turn your TV on, and turned to a channel. This way you can find out what area of your house you can hang the antenna for the best reception.