Video Transcript
Hi there, this is Mo of Mo West Creations. Today, I'm going to show you how to taper a button up shirt. So, the first thing you want to do, is try on your button up shirt inside, out. Then, take a safety pin and pin it where you want it to be tighter. You can do it on both sides if you want, or only one side. I just did it on one side right here, so it looks like it's going to be about two inches in. So, what I'm going to do then, is match that to the other side by lining up the side seams and replacing it with a straight pin. Put in horizontally, so I can sew right over it. And then, you're just going to pin along and tape it from nothing to the amount that you want it brought in. Starting, nothing at the armpit, tapering it down. And once you get that on one side, you're just going to copy it over. You can also use a ruler and measure it out, if you prefer. Or you can eyeball it by laying them on top of each other. You just want to make sure that your side seams are pulled nice and tight. So that the fabric is smooth on both sides and not bunching on the back, where you're not looking. And once you have that, you're just going to sew a straight stitch right along those pins. Tapering from nothing to the place where you pinned your safety pin. So, as you can see, I used a thread, so that you can see the seam. I started on the existing seam, right below the armpit and slowly eased my way to that spot that I'd marked when I had the shirt on inside, out. And then, eased it back, out. This has been Mo of Mo West Creations, showing you how to taper a button up shirt, ciao.