- 1). Iron the fabric to remove wrinkles. Cut two fabric rectangles to 13 by 19 inches for each placemat.
- 2). Place two fabric rectangles, right sides together, with all four edges even. Pin around the perimeter of the fabric.
- 3). Sew the rectangles together with a 1/2-inch seam. Leave an 8-inch opening in the center of one end. Trim across each corner at a 45-degree angle, close to the stitching.
- 4). Turn the fabric right side out through the opening. Reach inside and poke your finger into each corner to push the fabric out neat and square. Press the edges at the seam line with the iron.
- 5). Cut a piece of Peltex 70 to 12 by 18 inches for each placemat. Roll the Peltex 70 loosely lengthwise and slip it between the layers of fabric through the opening.
- 6). Reach inside and smooth the Peltex 70 into place, pushing it fully into each corner. Fold the edges of the opening neatly to the inside in line with the seam, and press a neat crease with the iron. Pin through all layers around the perimeter of the placemat.
- 7). Stitch around the perimeter of the placemat, 3/8 inch from the edge. Stitch around the perimeter of the placemat again, 1/8 inch from the edge.
- 8). Embellish your placemats with additional stitching, if desired.