- The first step to creating a variety of different crafts with landscape timbers is to create a basic box. The size of your box should be based on the project you are making, but the construction is the same for every project. For example, if you're making a planter, you can make a four-sided box with the timbers stacked three or four high. To make a wishing well or a fountain, make a slightly larger box, stacking six or seven timbers on each side. No matter what craft project you are creating, you'll need four sides that are equal in height that connect with the corners butting against each other.
The length of the landscape timbers will determine the width of the sides of the box. To make a simple square box, two of the sides should be 8 inches longer to account for the width of the individual landscape timbers. For example, if you are making a square planter that's 2-feet wide and four timbers high, cut eight timbers 2-feet long and eight timbers 2-feet-8-inches long.
To make the box, cut all of the timbers and attach them in stacks to create the four walls of your box. You can attach the timbers together with a straight metal bracket that connects two at a time. Once the walls are made, place them together at 90-degree angles by butting the ends and connecting them with L brackets.
Make a base for your box with 1/2-inch-thick treated plywood, cut to fit and attached to the timbers with decking screws. - Line the inside of your landscape timber box with thick plastic pond liner to create a planter, wishing well or a fountain. You should drill drainage holes in the plywood base and puncture holes in the pond liner to make a planter. You could also place another flower pot inside the landscape timber planter.
To make a wishing well, line the box with pond liner, but do not puncture or drill any holes. Cut two more landscape timbers for the vertical post sides of the well and attach them to the top timbers on two sides that are opposite each other. You can use straight metal brackets to attach the posts. The posts will hold the cover of your wishing well, so base the length of the posts on the height of the well cover. Create a top for the wishing well with 1/2-inch thick treated plywood. You can create a pitch for the roof by trimming the side posts at a 30- to 45-degree angle. You can also cover the plywood with copper foil for a decorative touch.
To turn the box into a fountain, you'll also need the pond liner hole free. Add a few bricks in the base of the box on top of the liner, and then place a fountain pump with a fountain head in the center. Extend the fountain head to the top rim of the box.
Landscape Timber Box
Timber Crafts