- 1). Lay the five shoebox cardboard bridge pieces onto a table top or other flat work surface.
- 2). Lay the two 6 by 8 inch cardboard pieces on top of each other. Adjust the pieces so all edges are aligned. Arrange the pieces so one of the 8 inch edges is facing you. Draw a 3 by 5 inch upside down "U" shape at center with a pencil on the top cardboard piece. Make sure both ends of the "U" begin and end on the bottom 8 inch edge of the cardboard.
- 3). Hold the pieces together. Cut around the pencil outline to cut identical "U" shapes into both cardboard pieces at the same time with a pair of scissors. Temporarily bond the corners of the pieces together with masking tape, if necessary, to ensure neither side slips while cutting.
- 4). Assemble the bridge. Bond the side and end pieces together with white glue to create a 3 by 6 by 8 inch three dimensional rectangle. Bond the remaining 3 by 8 inch piece to the top of the bridge with white glue.
- 5). Boil 2 cups water and 2 cups flour in a pot for three minutes to create a paper mache mix. Allow the mix five minutes to cool. Pour the mix into a medium size bowl.
- 6). Submerge a 1 by 3 inch newspaper strip into the mix. Press the strip onto the bridge form. Continue until the entire bridge is covered in one layer of newspaper.
- 7). Submerge a 1 by 3 inch paper towel strip into the mix. Press the strip into the bridge. Continue until the entire bridge is covered in one layer of paper towel. Allow three hours for the craft to dry.
- 8). Coat the bridge arch with acrylic paint. Paint a brick pattern around the entire surface and top of the bridge. Allow two additional hours for the craft to dry before handling or displaying.