Extensions can be installed in your version of LibreOffice to extend the capabilities of core programs including Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics), Base (database), and Math (equation editor).
For reference, users of Microsoft Office can compare extensions to Add-ins and Apps. In other words, the extension will typically show up right in the menu or toolbar to which it applies.
In this way, extensions are a great way to customize and add breadth to your favorite LibreOffice programs.
New to LibreOffice? Check out this Image Gallery of LibreOffice Programs and All About Microsoft Office
1. Find an extension from an online site. These extensions are available from third-party sites or The Document Foundation’s own LibreOffice Extensions site. I recommend the latter for those seeking a trusted source for LibreOffice extensions. Remember, anytime you download files to your computer, you should probably think of it as a potential security risk.
Also, always check to see if any licenses apply to the extensions and whether they are free—many are, but not all.
2. Download the extension file by saving it to a place you will remember on your computer or device.
3. Open a LibreOffice program the extension is built for.
4. Select Tools - Extension Manager – Add – Locate where you saved the file – Select the file – Open the file.
5. To finish downloading, accept the license agreement if you agree with the terms.
You may need to scroll using the side bar in order to see the Accept button.
6. Close LibreOffice, then reopen to see thie new extension in the Extension Manager.
How to Replace or Update an Extension
Sometimes you may forget that you have installed a given extension, or you may just be looking to update an old one.
To do this, simply follow the same steps for How to Install LibreOffice Extensions, just above. During the process, you will see a screen asking you to agree to replacing the older version with this updated one.
The Get More Extensions Online Link
Depending on whether or not you are connected to the internet, you should be able to find more extensions another way. This can speed things up if you are looking to download a bunch of extensions.
From this same Extension Manager dialog box referenced in the steps above, you can also click right to the online site offering more LibreOffice extensions. Simply look for the Get More Extensions Online link and begin downloading any you have interest in adding to your LibreOffice applications.
Installing for One or All Users
Organizations or businesses in particular may be interested in opting for certain extensions to only be applied to one user, rather than the entire group. For this reason, administrators should decide before installing or replacing extensions whether to select the Only for Me or For All Users option that will pop up during the installation. You can only choose For All Users if you have administrative permissions.
About the .OXT File Format for LibreOffice Extensions
These files are in the .OXT file format. This type of format can serve as a wrapper for several files that may be associated with an extension.
As you begin using extensions or continue upgrading to newer versions, please consider contacting me with any you find particularly useful. I love hearing from this site’s community, and it benefits all of us!