Home & Garden: Homemade Hummingbird Mix

Homemade Hummingbird Mix

Hummingbirds are special creatures. With their beautiful spectrum of colors and awe-inspiring rhythmic wing speed, it is no wonder that they are welcome in any backyard. They can act as natural pollinators in your garden and feed on insect pests. If you want to attract hummingbirds to your yard, set

Home & Garden: How to Use Peroxide to Wash Whites

How to Use Peroxide to Wash Whites

When used straight out of the bottle, 3 percent hydrogen peroxide is a gentle stain-fighting and sanitizing agent. Many commercial cleaners and laundry soaps include peroxide because of its ability to lift stains from clothing and surfaces. Instead of using bleach, consider adding 3 percent hydrogen

Home & Garden: How to Remove Rust From Old Metal Lawn Furniture

How to Remove Rust From Old Metal Lawn Furniture

Old metal lawn furniture adds a certain element of charm to a patio, deck or lawn. Some metal furniture is even used indoors. Rust is very noticeable on some kinds of metal such as iron, but other metals form rust as well. Removing the rust from the metal furniture and repairing it to prevent future

Home & Garden: How to Clean Mold in Marble Showers

How to Clean Mold in Marble Showers

Marble is frequently used in foyers, kitchens and bathrooms in homes due to its elegance and the aesthetic effect it has on a room. Marble is susceptible to cracking under impact, in addition to staining. Marble is often damaged by chemical cleaning agents, which limits the options available in marb

Home & Garden: Cleaning Tool for Tile Grout

Cleaning Tool for Tile Grout

Many people appreciate the beauty of tile floors, and their use in modern homes continues to grow. The material that fills the spaces between tiles is known as grout. This porous substance traps dirt particles over time, leading to a dirty looking floor. Clean grout with a combination of machines, h

Home & Garden: How to Remove the Installation Sticker From a Fiberglass Tub

How to Remove the Installation Sticker From a Fiberglass Tub

Fiberglass tubs have a sticker placed on them prior to installation. These stickers tell the consumer which products they should avoid when cleaning it and how to install the fiberglass bathtub. The sticker should only be removed by the final consumer. If you leave the sticker on the fiberglass bath

Home & Garden: How to Move to a Different State Alone

How to Move to a Different State Alone

Moving to a different state alone can be an exciting but challenging experience. Without the financial and emotional support from a spouse or family, making the transition to a new area can take more time and energy. Before committing to the move, make sure you have thoroughly researched the area. M

Home & Garden: How to Get Rid of the Smell in My New Cabinets

How to Get Rid of the Smell in My New Cabinets

New cabinets often have a chemical-like smell, which comes from the chemicals used to make the cabinets. The cabinets and drawers remain closed, which does not allow the odors to escape efficiently. The chemical odors can become a nuisance and even cause the items stored inside the cabinets to smell

Home & Garden: How to Remove Protein Stains From Appliances

How to Remove Protein Stains From Appliances

Stoves, refrigerators, toasters and other household appliances are exposed to multiple substances daily. Egg whites, gelatin, milk, creams and other protein-based foods can produce stains on kitchen appliances. Non-food related substances, such as antiperspirants and mouthwashes, also cause protein

Home & Garden: What Do You Do When Wax Is Put on a No-Wax Floor?

What Do You Do When Wax Is Put on a No-Wax Floor?

Waxing floors is largely a thing of the past, a relic of the era when housekeeping consumed many hours every week. Today's no-wax wood and vinyl floors require only daily sweeping to remove dirt and debris and a weekly damp mopping. Strip wax off a no-wax floor to maintain safe conditions because th

Home & Garden: How to Clean an Old Rayo Kerosene Lamp

How to Clean an Old Rayo Kerosene Lamp

Kerosene lamps used to be a primary means of illumination before the days of household electricity. Bradley and Hubbard Manufacturing Company in Meriden, Connecticut patented the Rayo kerosene lamp in 1894. Rayo kerosene lamp features include a round wick, central draft cylinder, nickel plated body

Home & Garden: How to Clean Crystal Glasses in the Dishwasher

How to Clean Crystal Glasses in the Dishwasher

Crystal glasses are a part of many home dining sets, especially useful for toasts or special dinners. Crystal is often costly, which makes it important to properly care for your set of glasses. While hand washing is recommended with mild soap and water, you can use the dishwasher if you use caution

Home & Garden: How to Temper a Skillet

How to Temper a Skillet

Cast iron skillets are a strong and durable addition to a kitchen. A good cast-iron skillet can last for generations if properly maintained. Seasoning is one of the essential practices necessary for a long-lasting skillet. Seasoning coats the pan to prevent rust and creates a non-stick surface for c

Home & Garden: How to Clean Yellow Marks From Cultured Marble

How to Clean Yellow Marks From Cultured Marble

Cultured marble is a synthetic material commonly used for countertops, tubs and showers. It's made of ground marble coated with a durable, resistant material. Unfortunately, yellow marks may appear on the marble due to mineral deposits, stains, problems with the coating or cigarette burns.Fortunatel

Home & Garden: How to Remove Tape Residue From Paper

How to Remove Tape Residue From Paper

Tape residue left behind on important papers can leave behind unpleasant marks. Removing the tape residue will keep your papers in good condition. Residue left behind on paper looks discolored. Removing the residue will require patience, but it will ensure that you have paper that looks attractive a

Home & Garden: How to Remove Carpet Tile Glue From Cement

How to Remove Carpet Tile Glue From Cement

Removing adhesive from cement or concrete, whether it’s carpet glue or another adhesive, can be difficult. Carpet glue typically is yellowish and hardens to a rock-like state. Mastic often is used by people (mistakenly) as a carpet adhesive on cement floors. It, too, becomes rock-hard over tim

Home & Garden: How to Clean a Whiteboard Without Chemicals

How to Clean a Whiteboard Without Chemicals

Whiteboards are easy-to-use instruction boards that have taken over the roll of chalkboards in most classrooms. They are drawn and written on with dry-erase markers that wipe away with whiteboard erasers. Over time the debris from the erasers builds up to create smudges and smears that linger. Lucki

Home & Garden: How to Get Ink Out of Washed Clothes

How to Get Ink Out of Washed Clothes

If you've just taken a load of clothing out of the dryer and found an ink stain, you may think that you simply have to throw those clothes away. Don't do that yet. Even though putting the clothes through the drier may have set the stain, you may still have a chance to get it out. Try a variety of me

Home & Garden: Phosphorus Toxicity in Garden Plants

Phosphorus Toxicity in Garden Plants

Phosphorus levels in garden soils can build up over time. Excess phosphorus not used by garden plants does not readily leach out of the soil and over time can lead to toxicity in garden plants.

Home & Garden: The Pros of Epoxy Grout

The Pros of Epoxy Grout

Tile floors and bathroom walls take a lot of abuse in a home, and because tile is so porous, grout shows the brunt of the abuse. Whether from an overzealous family dog's muddy foot print trail, spilled coffee from a hectic schedule or spots of red wine from good times with friends, grout withstands