- 1). Spray hair spray on the affected area. This works well on ball point pen ink. Soak the area with hair spray from an aerosol can. The ink stain should start to spread, which means that it will actually come off. Rinse it in water and repeat until the stain is gone.
- 2). Apply nail polish remover. The acetone in nail polish remover can get some ink stains out of washed clothes. Soak the area with the nail polish remover and rinse to get the stain out.
- 3). Use Oxy-Clean to get the stains out. Make a paste by mixing a quarter cup of Oxy-Clean with a bit of water. The mixture should be goopy. Spread this over the stain and allow to sit for several hours. Then, wash the clothing in the washer with six cups of Oxy Clean (instead of the normal one).
- 4). Purchase a commercial ink remover. Professional janitors use strong chemicals to remove ink stains from things. Fortunately, you can purchase these cleaners as well. Put it on the ink stain and allow it to soak. Then rinse off and repeat if the stain hasn't disappeared. Wash like normal.
- 5). Take the clothes to a professional cleaner. You can usually save money by taking the item to a dry cleaner. They have special techniques that they can use to get the stain out and it will probably cost less than $10 as of 2010.