- Several commercial tile and grout cleaning machines exist. These machines cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, making them inappropriate for do-it-yourself home projects. Some home appliance stores rent these machines out for a reasonable price. If you choose to rent such a machine, ensure that the store includes hand-held accessories designed to get in to corners and small spaces. Those with large tiled areas might consider a machine for this job, although the effectiveness of these machines varies greatly by brand, as well as how they have been maintained. Some cleaning professionals swear by steam cleaning machines.
- Many people clean grout the old fashioned way, using brushes. The trouble often lies in the fact that they use old, worn brushes or brushes with bristles too soft for the job. Visit your local hardware or home appliance store to purchase brushes made specifically for grout cleaning. Heavy, stiff bristles, in either an angled V-shape or in a thin, linear arrangement ensure good access to the grout that lies slightly below the tile surface. Choose a long-handled brush for cleaning large areas, and a small-handled brush for detail work, corners and small areas.
- The right chemicals for the job prove equally important. Though many typical home cleansers, such as dish soap, work for in-between, maintenance cleaning, these chemicals do not offer thorough and effective results for grout cleaning. Purchase grout cleaning chemicals, but be sure to read the manufacturer's directions or call the installer regarding your grout. Likewise, read and follow all instructions on the grout cleaner, which typically contains strong chemicals and requires safety measures, including safety glasses and gloves.
- Bleach products discolor colored grout. Never use metal implements that wear away the grout. Test any chemical in an inconspicuous area before applying it elsewhere on the floor. Never mix products, as this can potentially release harmful fumes and cause chemical burns on skin.
- Regular cleaning helps maintain grout. Some experts suggest using oxygen bleach powder to clean grout, as the 2009 article, "The Secret to Cleaning Grout in Tile Floors" in the Washington Post explained. The best prevention for dirty grout is to seal it. People often assume their grout is sealed, when in fact it is not. Grout must be left for at least 30 days following installation before sealing, so chances are that your grout and tile were installed and never sealed.