- 1). Soap up as much of the urine as possible with paper towels. Place a layer of towels over the spot and press down firmly with your foot to draw the urine out of the wood before it dries. It may be necessary to repeat this step if the spot was particularly large.
- 2). Add 2 oz. of enzymatic floor wash into your bucket, filling with hot water. Mop the urine spot with the mixture and allow to air-dry. Enzymatic floor cleaner is designed for pet stains and will help break down the proteins in the urine to eliminate staining and odor.
- 3). Pour enough vinegar on the floor to cover the spot and allow to sit for five minutes before blotting up with paper towels. The vinegar will work its way down into the wood and pull out residual urine. The vinegar may produce a strong smell, but this will dissipate once it dries. Leave the spot to dry for 24 hours. The floor may appear stained after the initial cleaning, but should return to a normal color once the liquid has evaporated.
- 4). Dampen a rag with hydrogen peroxide and place over the spot if the urine stained the wood. Lay the peroxide-soaked rag over the stain and weight it down with a heavy telephone book. The peroxide will gently lighten the stain without damaging the wood. Leave the rag on the spot overnight for best results.