Home & Garden: Best Way to Clean Glass Shower Doors

Best Way to Clean Glass Shower Doors

Cleaning shower doors are just one of the numerous things that have to be cleaned often in a house. If your shower doors are glass, then cleaning them can be even harder and more time consuming. There are certain products that will make cleaning them easy and effortlessly.

Home & Garden: How to Put on an Oven Door

How to Put on an Oven Door

Before you can use your new oven, you must put on the door. Most ovens have a simple door hinge mechanism that locks and unlocks to allow the door to slide on and off. Self-cleaning ovens may also have a set of metal clips or brackets that must be removed before you can take the door off of the hing

Home & Garden: About the Electric Iron

About the Electric Iron

Many consider ironing to be drudgery, but just think what it would be like without the electric iron. Electric irons have been around for a long time and have seen many changes, but their basic function remains the same---to easily rid clothing and household fabrics of wrinkles. Even with the advent

Home & Garden: How to Remove Hot Glue From Formica

How to Remove Hot Glue From Formica

If you like to use glue guns for crafts, it will likely happen to you someday. You will lay your hot glue gun down and spill a few drops of glue onto your Formica countertop. The best thing to do is to remove the glue before it has a chance to dry. However, if you were wrapped up in your craft makin

Home & Garden: How to Clean Vacuum Attachments

How to Clean Vacuum Attachments

Vacuum attachments allow you to use your vacuum in small spaces, corners and even on curtains or drapes. There are various attachments, from the traditional brush attachment that cleans your upholstery to blind attachments that clean window blinds. These attachments save time and can last for years

Home & Garden: How to Remove Rust From an Old Milk Can

How to Remove Rust From an Old Milk Can

Old milk cans fit in with many decor styles. Whether you're accessorizing a cottage or farm-style room, a milk can makes for an unusual decoration. Outside, the cans function as garden accessories. Most old milk cans are made from tin. In times gone by, farmers used to use "fresh raw acid" to retin

Home & Garden: How to Clean the Brick for a Cooking Grill

How to Clean the Brick for a Cooking Grill

Brick grills hold in heat and provide a hotter, longer-lasting cooking surface than the same amount of fuel in a metal grill. Brick structures also last longer and do not need to be moved indoors to avoid the weather. One area where a brick grill comes up short is cleanliness. You should clean your

Home & Garden: How To Clean Mold & Mildew in Basement Painting

How To Clean Mold & Mildew in Basement Painting

Mold and mildew can become serious problems if left unchecked. The spores produced can create health problems and the molds themselves can damage surfaces. Basements are often the first place for mold to start growing because of commonly exposed water pipes and/or water damage created by rain. The m

Home & Garden: How to Seal a Mylar Bag With Iron

How to Seal a Mylar Bag With Iron

Mylar is a type of polyester film made by DuPont and is often used to make storage bags because it is impermeable to air. This protects the contents of the Mylar bag much longer than traditional plastic storage bags. Mylar bags must be sealed to prevent air from entering the bag. A household clothes

Home & Garden: What to Know When Buying a Biscuit Jointer

What to Know When Buying a Biscuit Jointer

If you like woodworking projects, one of the tools you should consider adding to your tool collection is a biscuit jointer. Sometimes called a biscuit joiner or biscuit plate joiner, this device cuts slots into wooden edges that then connect with wooden discs or biscuits to make a solid joint.

Home & Garden: How to Buff Chrome

How to Buff Chrome

Found on everything from motorcycles to kitchen faucets, chrome is a durable and sleek material that will last for many years. Cleaning and buffing chrome regularly will help keep rust at bay and keep the chrome surface looking its best. Buffing the chrome surface requires only a few inexpensive ite

Home & Garden: How to Clean Silver with Vinegar and Tinfoil

How to Clean Silver with Vinegar and Tinfoil

You can use a commercial cleaner to polish your silver, but most of these cleaners are expensive and also contain harmful chemicals that are unnecessary. As an alternative, you can choose to use an inexpensive homemade cleaning solution that utilizes basic household items and no harmful chemicals. T

Home & Garden: How to Detect Moisture During House Inspections

How to Detect Moisture During House Inspections

Throughout a person's lifetime, the biggest investment is typically a house, and when it comes to purchasing, size and other primary features are top priority. But less obvious factors, such as moisture in the walls or floors, can cause thousands of dollars in damage. Inspecting the home for moistur

Home & Garden: How to Make an Eraser Soft Again

How to Make an Eraser Soft Again

Rubber erasers typically found on the tops of standard writing pencils can harden over time, making erasing errors difficult. Using a hardened and smudged eraser can also leave smear marks on the paper being erased. There are other types of erasers that do not harden as easily. Artists, for example,

Home & Garden: How to Polish Aluminum Truck Rims

How to Polish Aluminum Truck Rims

The pieces de resistance on a clean shiny truck are cleaned and sparkling aluminum truck rims. Whether driving down the highway reflecting the rays of the sun or momentarily stopped at a red light, shiny truck rims are a sight to behold. The trick to achieving shiny aluminum truck rims is to clean a

Home & Garden: How to Remove Heat Stains From Wood Furniture

How to Remove Heat Stains From Wood Furniture

Wood tables and other furniture take a beating over time, and heat stains are a common problem. They leave a fog in the finish and white marks that no amount of polishing will remove. However, there is a very simple process that will take the damage away quickly in most cases. This process uses comm

Home & Garden: How to Remove Rusted Hinges

How to Remove Rusted Hinges

Rust seems to affect everything it can, and its effects can be seriously damaging. On older homes, or ones with older hardware, rust can show up in the strangest places, including door hinges. At first, that doesn't seem like a serious problem; but if the hinge continues to rust, the door will event

Home & Garden: How to Clean a Glass-Top Cooking Stove Oven Door

How to Clean a Glass-Top Cooking Stove Oven Door

Most ovens have a self-cleaning feature that helps you keep the appliance clean by occasionally cleaning spills before they turn into huge, baked-on messes. The self-cleaning feature cleans the oven's interior, including the inside of the door. But sometimes both the inside and the outside of the do

Home & Garden: How to Get Out Curcumin Stains

How to Get Out Curcumin Stains

Curcumin is found in the spice turmeric. Turmeric is a member of the ginger family and is most often used in Indian spices. It is also used for yellow food coloring and it has been used as a form of medicine for thousands of years. Because of the color of this spice, it can cause a stain that can be