Every one wants to know how to find happiness. The simple truth... happiness is a choice. If you don't truly want it or feel you deserve it, you will not allow yourself to see it, let alone have it. No matter how many times you're presented with the opportunity, you will always find ways to discredited it and discard it.
Finding happiness
Finding happiness is easy, it's the cool breeze that makes you feel like you're floating. It's the new pair of shoes that goes with the perfect outfit in your closet! It's the ability to make choices so you can find your true life's purpose. For me it was just now when my daughter came in my office and said "Mommy it's mommy's day, so I drew this for you! I love you mommy." With a kiss and a hug. Now today is not mother's day but to my 5-year-old who just wants her mommy to be happy and show me she loves me, it's whatever day she says it is! That's the great thing about kids, they don't conform as much as we do. Let's pretend let's play, let's be happy!
Being happy
Now even though being happy is achievable, it seems to be difficult for some to keep up. There are people who are just not happy unless they are miserable. Yes I know this is a contradiction of sorts, but it's true. Misery, like mostly anything else, loves company. And even though these kinds of people would say your crazy they know deep down who they are. In order to stay happy you've got to really want it, on so many levels, and depending on where you live, this is as they say, easier said than done. Some places value happiness over money, property, recognition, etc. over even looks! What, is there such a place? Yes there are. Any way, being happy is a self-directed state of being. You have to actively choose it until it becomes second nature.
The art of happiness
When we talk about the art of happiness, it is much like an artist drawing on a canvas, a musician composing a sweet song. There is an art to it. The strong common theme these examples have is, you've got to allow it to be what it is, letting it flow and embracing what it has to offer now. A lot of women want to go back to happiness as it was for them 20 years ago. You can't do that necessarily, not to say not at all, but people change. What made you happy and excited once upon a time, might not seem so fun when you're in a different space in life. So the key is to enjoy what you enjoy now, NOW! If you don't know what it is, then go find out! YOU are an adult, make some decisions, what makes you giddy? LOVE? That leads me to the next topic.
Find love
Finding love is what we all want, we want to find love, we want to give love, we want to receive it. But love is closely attached to happiness. If you choose not to see the importance of happiness, then you'll ruin a great love every time. It's like the couple that really loves each other, but since one or the both see no value in happiness, they make their partners life hell! Then it becomes a game of me or you. Do I lose you and keep my sanity, or do I keep you and go insane?
So go out and find your happiness, it is waiting out there for you, always and forever like unconditional love.
If you're interested in more ways to find and become your happy self, download the 3 free ebooks and sign up to receive our Sane Self Newsletters below!
Finding happiness
Finding happiness is easy, it's the cool breeze that makes you feel like you're floating. It's the new pair of shoes that goes with the perfect outfit in your closet! It's the ability to make choices so you can find your true life's purpose. For me it was just now when my daughter came in my office and said "Mommy it's mommy's day, so I drew this for you! I love you mommy." With a kiss and a hug. Now today is not mother's day but to my 5-year-old who just wants her mommy to be happy and show me she loves me, it's whatever day she says it is! That's the great thing about kids, they don't conform as much as we do. Let's pretend let's play, let's be happy!
Being happy
Now even though being happy is achievable, it seems to be difficult for some to keep up. There are people who are just not happy unless they are miserable. Yes I know this is a contradiction of sorts, but it's true. Misery, like mostly anything else, loves company. And even though these kinds of people would say your crazy they know deep down who they are. In order to stay happy you've got to really want it, on so many levels, and depending on where you live, this is as they say, easier said than done. Some places value happiness over money, property, recognition, etc. over even looks! What, is there such a place? Yes there are. Any way, being happy is a self-directed state of being. You have to actively choose it until it becomes second nature.
The art of happiness
When we talk about the art of happiness, it is much like an artist drawing on a canvas, a musician composing a sweet song. There is an art to it. The strong common theme these examples have is, you've got to allow it to be what it is, letting it flow and embracing what it has to offer now. A lot of women want to go back to happiness as it was for them 20 years ago. You can't do that necessarily, not to say not at all, but people change. What made you happy and excited once upon a time, might not seem so fun when you're in a different space in life. So the key is to enjoy what you enjoy now, NOW! If you don't know what it is, then go find out! YOU are an adult, make some decisions, what makes you giddy? LOVE? That leads me to the next topic.
Find love
Finding love is what we all want, we want to find love, we want to give love, we want to receive it. But love is closely attached to happiness. If you choose not to see the importance of happiness, then you'll ruin a great love every time. It's like the couple that really loves each other, but since one or the both see no value in happiness, they make their partners life hell! Then it becomes a game of me or you. Do I lose you and keep my sanity, or do I keep you and go insane?
So go out and find your happiness, it is waiting out there for you, always and forever like unconditional love.
If you're interested in more ways to find and become your happy self, download the 3 free ebooks and sign up to receive our Sane Self Newsletters below!