- 1). Cast on the number of stitches as required in your knitting pattern. See "Cast On in Knitting," under Related eHows, for instructions.
- 2). Hold the needle with the cast-on stitches in your right hand.
- 3). Wind the yarn around your left hand so that it passes over the left pinky, under the ring and middle fingers and twice around your left forefinger.
- 4). Place the needle with the cast-on stitches in your left hand and pull yarn to the back of the needle with your forefinger. Keep yarn taut, but not too tight, between left forefinger and your work.
- 5). Take the empty needle in your right hand and insert right knitting needle tip from front to back into the first stitch on the left needle. The right needle should be under the left needle and the yarn held to the back.
- 6). Use your left forefinger to bring the yarn over the right needle, from left to right, and position it between the two needles.
- 7). Catch the yarn strand with the right knitting needle and pull it down through the same first stitch.
- 8). Slip the cast-on stitch off the left knitting needle leaving the new stitch on the right.
- 9). Continue until all the new stitches are on the right knitting needle and none are remaining on the left.
- 10
Place the needle holding the new stitches in your left hand and the empty needle in your right hand. - 11
Repeat steps 3 through 9 until the desired number of rows has been formed.