- 1). Determine the size needs of the label. This will be dictated by the size of the beer bottle and personal preference. Measure the circumference of the bottle with a tape measure for the length measurement. Select the preferred height measurements according to personal preferences. Choose the stick-on labels that match the measurements needed for the bottle. Keep in mind that some labels will not completely circle the bottle, so slightly smaller sizes can be used. Stick-on labels can be purchased online, or at office supply stores.
- 2). Design the label. Label designs can be as simple or as complicated as preferred. There are software programs that are specifically for label designs. Drawing and graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or Corel PrintHouse can be used. Designs can even be done using clip art or similar pictures.
- 3). Print a sample sheet on regular paper. Depending on the program being used and the type of stick-on label sheets purchased, the print set-up will differ. For individually printed labels, the measurements of the labels should be entered into the print set-up. For label sheets that have several labels, the printer should be set up to print labels and the number of labels should be selected. Typically, between four and eight labels can be printed at one time.
- 4). Check the sample for flaws or set-up problems. Set the sample sheet on top of the stick-on label sheets to ensure the set-up is correct and the labels will be printed on the sheets appropriately. Correct any flaws as needed before continuing.
- 5). Print the labels onto the stick-on label sheets.
- 6). Stick the beer labels on the bottle. Stick-on labels should easily stick to the bottle and remain in place.