- 1). Access a computer that is currently set up to use the the router using an Ethernet cable or temporarily use this cable to connect a wireless PC to the router. Open an Internet browser (for example, Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer) on the computer.
- 2). Place the cursor in the address bar at the top of the browser. Type in the router's Internet protocol (IP) address and then press "Enter" to open a log-in dialog box. For example, Netgear and Linksys routers often use the following IP address: "" Other common addresses are "" and "routerlogin.net."
- 3). Enter the username and password and then press "Enter" to go to the router's administration page. The default credentials for Netgear routers are "admin" and "password." For Linksys routers, leave the user name field blank and the type "admin" for the password. Your user manual should give you other details if needed.
- 4). Click on the menu options to access the router's wireless technology modes. For Netgear routers, click "Wireless Settings" under the Setup menu. For Linksys routers, select "Wireless" and then "Basic Wireless Settings."
- 5). Open the drop-down menu next to the mode to see the available options. Select an alternate mode, such as A, B, G or N. Click the button that saves the changes and then exit out of the router's administration page.