- If your PC with Windows or your MAC is not able to open .bun files, you may not have the appropriate program, CakeWalk's Music Creator, installed or you may also have file extension-related registry errors. If you think you have registry errors, they can be cleared up via a registry cleaner. Visit download.com to find a free or inexpensive cleaner for your computer.
- CakeWalk's Music Creator is a program used to produce professional-quality recordings via a home computer. Files saved as .bun are generally bundled audio files that are created, recorded, edited or simply mixed via the software.
- The less common .bun extensions are game related.
- Monkey Island 3 game archive
- Need for Speed: Undercover game file - Do you need more help with your .bun file? Visit cakewalk.com (see Resources) and its FAQ.
- If you have a stray file on your machine and you would like to simply hear what is on it without downloading new software, you can investigate your .bun file using several tricks that help access files with mystery or odd extensions.
Make sure the computer has a music player then set it up under "options" or "preferences" to deal with all sound files. Try to open the file with your default player.
Also, both MAC and Windows users can frequently find alternate programs that can open unfamiliar files, such as .bun. Have a PC? Simply press your Shift key and then right-click on the .bun file. Mac users have a similar process: just click the file and then press Cmd-I. On both types of operating systems you can then look for "Open with:" in the menu that pops up and simply choose a program from the list.
Hint: do not click the "Always open with" checkbox as it will possibly hinder any future searches.
Why can't I open .bun files?
About CakeWalk's Music Creator
Other .bun files
More info needed?
Trial and error