- Take a plain or clear plastic or similar material box and cover it in seashell images. Use it for holding seashells or other nautical ornaments, such as your beach glass collection. Cut out assorted images of seashells from magazines and old books and print out images from online resources. Use drawings and paintings of seashells as well as photo images. Descriptions and images of seashells from shell identification books are also an option. Cover the entire outside of the container with the images using glue or tape.
- Create a book cover for your textbooks or any book whose cover you would like to protect. Make the cover using a brown paper bag and cover it with seashore images. Use printouts and magazine images of seashores from all over the world including the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, the English channel, the Florida coast and the Jersey shore. Intersperse the pictures with images of seashells, beach glass, driftwood, dune grass, sand dollars, crabs, fish, mermaids, whales, dolphins, sharks and any other marine mammals, both real and fictitious.
- Use watercolors to create a beach scene collage. Paint with your fingers to create a swirling sea using blues and greens, and beach balls by painting two or three colors in a circle. Use your fingers to create other beach scene items, such as a beach blanket and umbrella, sand bucket and shovel, seashells and beach-goers. Don't forget to add a smiling sun at the top of the collage to complete the painting. Allow it to dry then frame it if desired.
- Decorate folders with nautical collages. If you have the skill, try drawing and painting seashore images such as coastlines, sea creatures and seashells and mix them with photo images of the sea. Look for images of waves crashing, ships out to sea, lighthouses and sunken ships. Print out images of famous sea-inspired paintings, such as "The Mermaid" by Howard Pyle and works by Ivan Aivazovsky including "The Tenth Wave," "Moonlit Night" and "The Sea."
Container Craft
Book Cover
Collage Painting