- 1). Clean up the registry. The best way to fix genuine registry errors is to install registry cleaning software. People who are technically inexperienced may inadvertently harm their computer if they attempt to fix registry errors themselves. Free and commercial registry programs are available, although most free programs only scan for and diagnose registry errors and you might have to pay to have them fixed. Registry cleaning programs will scan your computer and remove problems such as corrupted files, uninstalled software fragments, orphaned shortcuts.
- 2). Install anti-spyware and anti-virus software to scan your computer for malware. This is the best way to detect and remove bogus programs. A fake registry message is generated by malicious programs that bombard computer users with messages saying their registry is corrupted. These programs redirect users to a website where they are asked to pay to have the registry errors fixed. They are usually vague about the type of registry problems apparently detected. These are not genuine registry cleaning programs and users should not pay any money or give credit card or bank account numbers to such websites.
- 3). Check for software problems. Registry problems sometimes occur after installing or removing software. Newly installed software can cause conflicts that interfere with the registry. DVD software, for example, may conflict with previously installed drivers. Uninstalled software remnants can corrupt the registry and slow down your computer. Try reinstalling software that you suspect might be causing a problem. Using your computer's system restore utility to restore the computer to a time before the software was installed might fix registry problems.