- 1). Purchase a wire tomato cage at a discount store, hardware store or garden center. Tomato cages are inexpensive and easily found during the spring and summer months.
- 2). Turn the cage upside and wire the prongs together with needle-nose pliers to form a pyramid or tepee.
- 3). Estimate the amount of grapevine needed by wrapping and covering the entire cage with clothesline. Cut off excess line; remove from the cage and measure.
- 4). Cut grapevines while still green and pliable. Hard, dry grapevines are much harder to work with, and may break when bent. Check local farms and vineyards for pruned scraps and cuttings.
- 5). Soak dry or hard grapevines in a tub of water. Let soak for one hour, or until grapevines are soft enough to work with. Cut in 10- to 20-foot sections for ease of use.
- 6). Spray paint the tomato cage brown to camouflage the silver wire.
- 7). Choose a thick, woody piece of grapevine and wrap the base of the cage. Wire it in place, making sure base is even and stable. Cut off excess, leaving four or five inches to tuck inside the cage.
- 8). Start from the bottom and densely wrap grapevine around the cage in a spiral motion, weaving in, out and around the cage, securing with wire or cable ties as you go. Tuck the ends through the cage. Continue wrapping, using delicate, thinner and easier to bend vines as you head toward the top. When you reach the top, secure with wire or ties and tuck excess through the top of the cage.
- 9). Stand back and eye your work. Tuck extra grapevine pieces in skimpy and bare areas. Trim off or tuck in protruding twigs.
- 10
Spray paint the grapevine tree or leave natural. Seal with a clear varnish to protect from the weather, if applicable. - 11
Randomly squeeze hot glue on and between vines and attach Spanish moss. Tuck moss in any remaining bare spots. - 12
Wrap miniature Christmas lights around grapevine tree and secure loosely with wire or ties. Don't permanently attach lights with glue, as you may want to switch them out seasonally. If light cords don't match the tree, camouflage by painting them the same color. - 13
Decorate grapevine tree with dried flowers, ribbons, bows, silk vines and flowers, or faux grapes and other fruits. Decorate with holiday or seasonal ornaments. Attach with wire or hot glue.