- Gather a collection of medium and large size pine cones. Blow them gently with a hair dryer to remove bugs and dust. Wrap a piece of thin craft wire around the base of each pine cone just beneath the lower petals. Twist the wire to secure it and wrap the tails of the wire around an inexpensive wire wreath form from a craft supply store. Place pine cones around the wreath form varying the size, shape and color. Bend and move as needed to create a balanced composition. Tuck twigs or small pieces of driftwood between the pine cones and secure with hot glue for an added rustic touch.
- Use tiny pine cones and Christmas ornaments to make a holiday wreath.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Young children can take part in the making of seasonal rustic wreaths with a few household supplies and pine cones collected from the great outdoors. Cut the centers out of paper plates and write the name of each child on the back of the remaining cardboard ring. Paint the front of the cardboard ring with brown tempera paint. Give each child a bottle of craft glue, a collection of small pine cones and leaves cut from felt. Each child will create a rustic wreath by gluing pine cones and felt pieces on their cardboard wreath frame. - Wreath forms made from grape vines twisted into a circle are inexpensive and easy to find at craft supply stores. They come in several different sizes, are lightweight, and the irregular brown, twisted grapevine branches add a rustic flair to a pine cone wreath. Hot glue pine cones to the front of the wreath and add other elements to suit your taste -- wooden cut-out shapes, pieces of rusted wire twisted and formed into curls, found objects, artificial berries and leaves.
- Make a wreath form out of plywood.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Most wreaths are circular, but a wreath of a different shape might suit your space better. Find a star, peace sign, square or rectangle-shaped wreath form to make your wreath. If you don't have access to a pre-made wreath form, make one out of lightweight plywood. Measure the space where you plan to hang the wreath, and then draw the form on a piece of plywood. Cut it out and sand the rough edges with sandpaper. Paint it brown or tan and attach pine cones and other decorative elements with glue. Hang it with wire after the glue has dried.
Wood and Wire Wreath
Kids Cardboard Pinecone Wreath Project
Grapevine Wreath
Non-Traditional Shapes