- 1). Close any open programs and files. Only complete the steps in this section if running Windows 98SE, Windows 2000 or Macintosh 9.2 or lower system software.
- 2). Insert the SanDisk ImageMate 12-in-1's driver CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive.
- 3). Click "Start," "Run." Click on the "Browse" button. If using a Mac, double click on your CD-ROM's icon.
- 4). Double click on your CD-ROM's icon. If using a Mac, click on the "USB Reader Installer" file. Click "Continue" after reading the "Read Me" file.
- 5). Click on the "setup.exe" file. Click "OK." Follow the on-screen prompts to load the device's drivers.
If using a Mac, select "USB Reader Installer" in the drop-down menu of the "Installer" dialog box. Click "Install." Follow the on-screen prompts. - 1). Insert the SanDisk ImageMate's driver CD. (Only complete this section if running Windows.)
- 2). Click "Start," "Run." Click on the "Browse" button. Double click on your CD-ROM's icon.
- 3). Double click on the "Button Application" folder. file. Click on "setup.exe." Click "OK."
Follow the on-screen prompts to load the Button" application. - 1). Insert the SanDisk ImageMate device into the docking station included with the device.
To connect the SanDisk ImageMate directly to your computer without the docking station, skip to Step 3. - 2). Plug the docking station's USB cable into any available USB port on your Windows or Mac computer. Your computer will assign a drive letter to the device within "My Computer," if using Windows. The device will appear on your computer's "Desktop," if using a Mac.
- 3). Plug one end of the included USB cable into the USB port on the side of the SanDisk ImageMate. Plug the other end of the USB cable into any available USB port on your computer.
Your computer will assign a drive letter to the device within "My Computer," if you're using Windows. The device will appear on your computer's "Desktop," if you're using a Mac. - 1). Insert a memory card into the card slot, with the gold-plated side facing the "SanDisk" logo on the side of the reader. Each card slot is labeled with the type of card it accepts.
The amber light on the reader will turn on, showing that the device has read the memory card correctly. If the light is not on, remove the card and reinsert it. - 2). Click "Start," "My Computer," if using Windows.
Click on the SanDisk ImageMate icon, if using a Mac, to access the files on the media card. - 3). Double click on the drive letter assigned to the SanDisk ImageMate to access the files on the media card, if using Windows.
- 4). Click "Start," "My Computer." Navigate to the folder where you want to place the memory card's files, if using Windows.
If using a Mac, click on your Mac's hard-drive icon. Navigate to the folder where you want to place the memory card's files. - 5). Click and drag the files you want to move from the memory card to the folder open on your computer.
Loading the SanDisk ImageMate 12-in-1 Driver
Installing SanDisk ImageMate's "Button" Application
Connecting the SanDisk ImageMate
Using the SanDisk ImageMate