- 1). Cast on a magic loop and chain three (this will count as a double crochet).
- 2). Crochet two double crochet stitches into the magic loop. You will now have one group of stitches.
- 3). Crochet two chain stitches and three double crochet stitches into the magic loop. You will now have two groups of stitches.
- 4). Crochet four more groups of stitches by chaining two times and double crocheting three times into the magic loop. You will have six groups of stitches.
- 5). Crochet one chain stitch and single crochet into the beginning chain three to connect the ends of the circle.
- 6). Pull on the tail end of the yarn (not the working end) to pull the stitches towards the center and remove the hole of the magic ring.
- 1). Crochet three chain stitches (this counts as a double crochet) and two double crochet stitches into the gap caused by chaining two in the previous round. You will now have one group of stitches in the second round.
- 2). Crochet one chain stitch and three double crochet stitches into the next gap, then chain two and crochet three more double crochet stitches into the same gap. You will now have three groups of stitches. Repeat for each of the next four gaps. You will now have eleven groups of stitches.
- 3). Crochet three double crochet into the starting gap. Chain two stitches and slip stitch into the beginning chain three to close the circle of the second round.
- 1). Crochet a reverse single crochet into the gap caused by chaining two in the previous round.
- 2). Crochet six chain stitches and reverse single crochet into the same gap.
- 3). Crochet a reverse single crochet stitch into each double crochet stitch and chain one space from the previous round. At the chain two gap, crochet one reverse single crochet stitch, six chain stitches, and a second reverse single crochet.
- 4). Crochet a slip stitch in the beginning reverse single crochet stitch and finish off, leaving a 9 inch tail.
- 1). Knot off the starting end of the yarn to secure the magic loop and weave in the end.
- 2). Fold your motif in half and use the long finishing tail of the yarn to sew the edges together.
- 3). Knot the tail of yarn and weave in the end.
- 4). Fold the pipe cleaner in half and twist to create a body and antennae. Sew to the butterfly motif if desired.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Finishing Touches