- 1). Lay out the circle and the squares on a flat surface so the center of one side of the square and the center of one side of the circle meet. Hold the two pieces together with a pin. Attach the yarn to the crochet hook with a slip knot.
- 2). Make a slip stitch in the center of the side of the square that touches the circle. Make another slip stitch in the center of the side of the circle to join the circle and square together. Remove the pin. Turn the pieces sideways so the space between the circle and the square is in front of you.
- 3). Make a single crochet in the space created by the two slip stitches. This stitch should be at approximately 90 degrees from the slip stitches. Make a slip stitch in the square. Make a single crochet stitch in the previous single crochet stitch. Make a slip stitch in the circle.
- 4). Repeat making single crochet stitches in each of the previous single crochet stitches. When you get to the end of the row, you will be at either the circle or the square. Make a slip stitch to connect the piece to the single crochet stitches and repeat the process until you have the square and circle connected. To add more squares or circles, repeat the process. When finished, fasten off the yarn and weave the ends through the stitching with a darning needle.