- Form circles of red, orange and gold handprints to create images of gerber daisies. The fingers form the petals. Add stems and thumbprint centers. Paint on a vase to make an arrangement or add grass along the bottom for a garden image.
- Create a simple fence by painting two of your child's fingers with brown paint and using them to make a fence post and two rails. Use your largest child's handprints to form daisies or mums over and between the rails. Paint a curly green vine growing along the fence and use your baby's fist print to add sweet peas to it. Let a child add a caterpillar made out of tiny pinkie prints. Add grass and leaves to complete your image of a garden.
- Create a big yellow mum in the center of a large platter. Add two dragonflies with index-finger prints for bodies and fingerprints for wings. Use black paint and a small brush to add antennae and eyes to the bugs.
- Use two handprints with overlapping palms to make a crab with eight legs. The thumbprints form the eye stems. Add eyes and claws. Add dots of golden sand to the background and paint in some shells by drawing a circle around a baby fist print.
- Use circles of red, white and blue handprints on a dark background to make bursting fireworks. Add the trails of several rockets to finish the image.
- Make a classic handprint turkey with the thumb as the head and the fingers the tail. Use fabric paint to make turkey place mats or to form a row of turkeys around the hem of a table cloth.
- Use white paint to make a row of footprint snowmen on a dark background. Add faces, scarves, hats and stick arms. Add a pile of fingerprint snowballs ready for a winter battle. This is particularly charming with several sizes of footprints.
- Use two thumbprints to form pink and red hearts for a Valentine's day card.
Gerber Daisies
Thanksgiving Turkey
Snow Scene