- 1). Take the large rectangle of fabric and fold it in half horizontally with the right sides of fabric together, so that the two 4-foot-long ends are aligned. Pin along the edge of this side seam. Stitch the side seam using straight stitches and leaving a ½-inch seam allowance. You should now have a tube of fabric-this is the body of the bag.
- 2). Fold the top raw edge of the fabric tube over to the wrong side by a ½ inch, then by another 2 inches. Pin all the way around this hem, then sew a row of straight stitches along its lower folded edge. Sew another row of straight stitches along the upper folded edge of this hem.
- 3). Take the circle of fabric and pin it to the lower (unhemmed) edge of the fabric tube so that the right sides are together. Place the pins around the circumference, close to the raw edges of the fabric and try to position the circle so that it fits neatly as the base of the bag.
- 4). Stitch around this circular seam, leaving a ½-inch seam allowance. Take your time and feed the two layers of fabric smoothly through the sewing machine.
- 5). Turn the bag right-side-out. Use the measuring tape and pencil to mark the positions for the grommets around the upper rim of the bag. The grommets should be positioned within the upper and lower seam stitches of the hem, and spaced evenly apart around the bag.
- 6). Attach the grommets in position using the tool in your grommet kit, following the instructions that came with your kit. Cut away the excess fabric inside the grommets, thread the rope or cording through them, and tie the ends to make a drawstring.