- 1). Measure and cut three 12-inch pieces of cotton braiding cord. Use three separate colors to create a rainbow effect or all the same colors if desired. Lay the three pieces of cotton braiding cord next to one another evenly on a flat surface.
- 2). Tie the three pieces of cotton cord together with a single-knot approximately 1 inch from the ends. Pull the ends of the cords tightly to secure the knot. Place a dab of fabric glue on the knot and allow drying time according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- 3). Rip a piece of masking tape from the masking tape roll. Tape the knotted end of the cotton braiding cord to a dry clean surface. Several pieces of masking tape may be needed to prevent the cotton cords from slipping while braiding. Spread the three cord lengths approximately 2 inches apart from one another.
- 4). Cross the right cotton cord over the center cotton cord so that the right cord becomes the center and the center becomes the right cord. Cross the left cord over the center cord in the same manner. Repeat this pattern until you have formed approximately ½-inch of braid. Pull each cord tightly as you braid.
- 5). Thread the right cord through a bead or charm. Continue to braid another ½-inch with the three cords. Braiding will secure the bead or charm in place. Thread another bead or charm onto the center cord. Continue to braid another ½-inch. Continue to add a charm or bead to each cord at ½-inch intervals.
- 6). Continue to braid and add beads or charms until you have reached the end of the cords. Leave approximately 1 inch of non-braided cording at the end. Create a single-knot at the end of the braiding. Secure the knot with a dab of fabric glue in the same manner as the beginning end of the bracelet.
- 7). Attach the ring side of a toggle clasp to one end of the bracelet by creating a knot with the unbraided cord. Attach the bar side of the toggle clasp to the other side of the bracelet in the same manner. Place the bracelet around the wrist or ankle and insert the bar into the ring to close the toggle clasp.