- 1). Inflate your balloons by placing the opening against your lips. Hold the end tip of the balloon and blow the air inside. Leave a 4-inch uninflated length on the end of your two orange balloons. Leave a 5-inch uninflated length on the end of your two black balloons. Leave a 6-inch uninflated length on the end of your blue balloon. Only fill your two white balloons to the halfway point with air. Tie off the end of your balloons once they are filled with the appropriate amount of air.
- 2). Take one of your black balloons and hold it with your left hand. Use your right hand to gently twist of a 2-inch section measured from your tied off end. Go down a 1/2-inch and twist again to create a little ball that is called a "cherry." Behind this first cherry on your black balloon, go down a 1/2-inch and twist a second cherry. Align your first cherry next to second cherry. You will now have what looks like a snout with two round balls for ears. Take the tip of your snout/balloon and tie it into the balloon about 2 inches from your second cherry to create a small loop with two balls on top. You now have the back of the head for your cartoon duck.
- 3). Make the neck of your cartoon duck by measuring 2 inches down from your loop and twist. Go down another 1/2-inch and twist again to make a cherry twist. As in step 2, go down a 1/2-inch and make a second cherry twist. You now have a neck, and the cherry twists will hold the arms of your cartoon duck in place.
- 4). Make the tail of your duck. Measure about 6 inches down from the neck of your duck and twist. Do another cherry twist, go down 1 inch and twist again to make a bubble. At the end of the bubble, do anther cherry twist. You now have a cherry, a bubble and a cherry. Just like you did for the back of the head, tie it around onto itself into a loop. You should only have the 5-inch uninflated tip left on your black balloon. Take the tip and tie it around the last set of cherries you made by tying it all the way around until the tip has been securely fastened around the cherries.
- 5). Take your second black balloon, measure down 1/2-inch and twist off a small ball. Measure down 1 inch from your small ball and twist off a slightly larger ball. Measure down 2 inches from your slightly larger ball and twist off a large ball. Twist your slightly larger ball and large ball together leaving your small ball below. You now have the hand for your cartoon duck. Measure down about 3 inches from your last twist and twist off the next section. Measure down about 1/2 an inch and do another cherry twist. You now have an arm and an elbow. Measure down about another 3 inches from your elbow and twist. Go down about a 1/2 inch and do another cherry twist. You now have a complete hand, forearm and bicep. Repeat these steps on the other side of your second black balloon to create the other arm.
- 6). Take your orange balloon and twist off a ball at the tied-off end. Measure about 4 inches and loop around your balloon and tie it off at your last twist. You now have the round foot of your duck. Measure up about 4 inches from your foot and twist off a cherry. Measure about 6 inches and twist off another cherry. Go to the end of your balloon and create another foot by repeating this step. You now have two feet, two knees and two legs for your duck.
- 7). Take your second orange balloon and measure about 6 inches down from your tied-off end. Fold it over and tie it off with a knot. You now have a loop on the end of your balloon that will be the bill of your duck. Tie off a bubble at the top of your loop and twist it to the side of your bill. This will be the cheek bone of your duck. Tie off another bubble and move it to the other side of your bill to make your second cheek bone. Make a small bubble at the back of your cheek bones and twist it close. With your scissors cut off the tip of your balloon to remove the excess air and firmly tie it off into your last bubble. You now have the bill and cheek bones for your duck.
- 8). Make the eyes of your duck. Take your white balloon and make a small twist that is slightly smaller then the back of the head you made from the black balloon in step 2. Insert the twist you have made in the white balloon into the cherry twists you made in step 2. You now have one eyeball. Tie off the rest of your white balloon to make it the same size as your first eyeball. You now have 2 eyeballs for your duck attached to the back of the head on the black balloon. Cut off the tip of your white balloon and quickly tie off the excess.
- 9). Attach your bill and cheeks to the neck underneath where you attached the eyeballs to the black balloon. Take the ball you made at the back of your bill in step 7, pull it through the neck loop in your black balloon and twist to attach. Pull your eyeballs you created in step 8 down and use the excess balloon on each end to attach them to the top of your bill by tying them into place. You now have the head of your duck complete.
- 10
Attach your arms to the body of your duck. Take the arms you made in step 5. Twist your arm balloon in the middle and attach it to the base of your duck's neck by twisting it into place. You now have arms attached to the body of your duck. - 11
Add the feet to your duck. Take the feet and legs you created in step 6 and twist it in the middle. At the middle, attach the legs to the bottom of your duck body by twisting them into place. You now have a complete duck cartoon character made from balloons.
Cartoon Duck