- 1). Place a sheet of paper in front of you so that it looks like a diamond shape. Fold the top corner to the bottom corner to form a triangle. Crease the fold.
- 2). Fold the left corner to the right corner and form a smaller triangle. Crease the fold.
- 3). Fold this triangle in half again, crease the fold and unfold it.
- 4). Place the paper so that the crease bisects the triangle vertically in front of you and the long side is on the bottom. Fold the left edge over to meet the center crease. The left corner will then protrude below the long side of the triangle. Repeat this procedure for the right edge. Now you should have a shape that resembles an upside-down kite.
- 5). Fold the bottom flaps up toward the middle to form a triangle again. The bottom of this triangle will be the crease formed from folding up the flaps.
- 6). Insert two or three stacked coins inside the flaps you just folded up and tape them in place.
- 7). Fold the left and right edges to the middle crease again, creasing the folds as much as you can each time. Repeat this until you can no longer fold the paper. Now you have the blade of your kunai knife. Tape the blade closed except for the bottom that will be used for inserting the handle.
- 1). Roll the second sheet of paper tightly around a pencil beginning at one corner and rolling diagonally across the sheet until all the paper is rolled onto the pencil. Tape the corner so it does not unroll and slide the pencil out of the tube.
- 2). Flatten one end of the tube and curl it to create an open circle on one end. Tape it in place.
- 3). Flatten the other end and insert it into the bottom of the blade. Tape it securely in place. Your kunai knife is ready for action.
Blade Construction
Handle and Assembly