- 1). Take the pictures you want to use on your personalized photo tickets. Use photos that are relevant to the event the tickets will be used for. For example, use a picture of the bride and groom for a wedding or a photo of flowers for a garden party.
- 2). Upload the pictures onto your computer using the connector cable from your digital camera. Save the photos in a location where you can easily find them again, such as a folder on the desktop or in your photos folder.
- 3). Open a word-processing or design document. Use the insert option to insert your chosen photo into the document. Click on the photo, drag the photo to the bottom left-hand corner and release the mouse button. Pull the corner of the photo upward to make it larger, only making it large enough so it is half the size of the overall page.
- 4). Open another word-processing or design document. Look at the rulers in the photo document to notice where the photo ends. Find this mark on the ruler in the newly opened document and insert a guiding line. From this halfway point and upward, you can write your personal text. Include the name for the person that the ticket is for and your contact information, if applicable. Select a font and size that works for the tickets.
- 5). Insert the photo printer paper into the photo printer. Make sure all the photo printer inks have been installed properly and are full.
- 6). Print the document, so the photo is printed on one side of the paper on the bottom. Insert this same piece of paper on the printer, but flipping the paper, so the picture is facing down. Press print in the second document, so the text prints on the opposite side of the paper.
- 7). Fold the photo ticket in half, so the photo is on the front half of the paper and the ticket information is on the inside of the fold. When the ticket is used to access a venue, you can rip the ticket in half, so guests can keep the photo as a reminder of the event and you can use the name half of the ticket to ensure the right person has been admitted to the event.