- 1). Load the Registry Editor by going to the "Start" menu and clicking "Run." Type "regedit" in the textbox and press the "Enter" key.
- 2). Refer to the left side of the Registry Editor where a folder tree is listed. These folders are known as "keys." Find the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" key, and click the "Plus" icon next to it to expand and reveal more keys. From that branch, look for the "SOFTWARE" key and expand it the same way you did with the first. Keep going down the tree expanding the "Microsoft," "Windows NT," "CurrentVersion," "Winlogon" and "Notify" keys, in that order.
- 3). Right-click the "Notify" key and click "Copy Key Name." Open Notepad from the "Start" menu and paste the key by pressing the "CTRL+V" hotkey. See if the pasted value is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify" to check if you followed the previous step correctly.
- 4). Under the expanded "Notify" key, right-click on the "WgaLogon" key and select "Delete." Confirm that you wish to delete this key and then restart your computer.
- 5). Open the "Folder Options" item from the Control Panel and click the "View" tab. Select the "Show hidden files and folders" option and uncheck the "Hide protected operating system files" box. Click the "OK" button to apply the changes.
- 6). Using Windows Explorer, visit the path "C:\Windows\System32\dllcache" and delete "WgaTray.exe." Go to "C:\Windows\System32" path and delete the other "WgaTray.exe" file.
- 7). Click the "Start" menu and select "Find." In the textbox where you can type a search phrase, type "Wga*.*" (without quotes) and search all files and folders.
- 8). Observe the search results and find any files named Wgatray.exe, Wgalogin.dll or Wgasetup and delete them by clicking on the file name and pressing the "Delete" key.