- Pull together the proper craft supplies for your angel baby projects to make sure you can complete your projects as planned. If you are making yarn angels, mohair yarn gives a soft look to your angel. For foam angels, use craft foam in a variety of colors of good thickness. Scrapbooking papers in shimmering pastels could be appropriate for an angel baby themed scrapbook, while bookmarks might demand laminated tag board and angel-themed stickers. Purchase the proper glues and sealants, if applicable.
- With your crafting materials on hand, take some time to brainstorm angel baby craft project ideas. Sketch your thoughts and plans. Practice drawing angel baby faces with different expressions so you can get an idea of the kind of finished product you want to create. If you are making a collage for a scrapbook or photo frame, practice creating the collage with inexpensive papers before completing the project with fancier materials. Print photos of angel babies from the Internet for additional inspiration, if you like, being mindful of any copyright laws that might apply. For knitted angels, practice different knitting techniques using your selected yarn prior to beginning your project. This way, if you like the look of one knot over the other, you can alter your project.
- No matter which type of project you choose, pay attention to the facial features of your baby angels. This is what will give your finished product a special feel and add character to your work. Allow plenty of time for working on your projects, as rushed handwork rarely results in a product you can be proud of. Consider your first time or two completing the craft as dry runs. You likely will learn more about what works and what does not work as you go, and you can alter your craft projects accordingly.
Gather Supplies
Brainstorm Ideas
Start Crafting