- 1). Print out or transfer the embroidery pattern you desire onto card stock. Cut along the embroidery lines on the card stock with the craft knife.
- 2). Lay the afghan onto a flat surface with the top of the afghan facing up. Place the prepared card stock pattern onto the afghan where you wish to place the embroidery. Trace the embroidery pattern through the cuts using the chalk pencil. Set aside the card stock pattern after you finish transferring the pattern to the afghan.
- 3). Cut an 18-inch length of yarn and thread it through the eye of the needle. Do not knot the yarn.
- 4). Insert the needle into the crocheting from the backside of the afghan at the point where you wish to begin embroidering. Avoid splitting the crocheted yarn with the needle. Pull the needle through to leave a 3-inch tail.
- 5). Embroider straight stitches on the crocheting by pushing the needle back down about 1/4 to 1/2 inch away. Push the needle back up to the top of the afghan again and continue stitching straight stitches to follow your embroidery pattern.
- 6). Stitch daisy stitches to create flower petals. Push the needle up from the back of the afghan at the point where you wish to place the base of the petal. Insert the needle back down again about 1/16 inch away but do not pull the yarn taut. Hold the yarn on top of the afghan to create a loop and push the needle back up at the top point of the petal. Pull the yarn taut, catching the looped yarn with the needle. Take a small vertical stitch over the top of the looped yarn, pushing the needle back down to the backside of the afghan. This will create a petal. Repeat the same process to make as many petals as you desire to create a flower.
- 7). Make a French knot by inserting the needle up from the backside of the afghan where you wish to make the knot. Pull the needle all the way through and wrap the yarn twice around the needle. Push the needle back down through the afghan at almost the same point, pulling the wrapped yarn taut. This will create a knot on the afghan.
- 8). Finish the embroidering by leaving a 3-inch tail on the backside of the afghan. Thread the tail through the yarn needle and weave the tail into the crocheting to bury it. Repeat this process to weave in every yarn tail.
- 9). Lay the afghan out flat to steam block it after you finish embroidering. Hold a steam iron over the embroidered area until the warm steam flows into the embroidered area of the crocheting. Shape the yarn gently while it is damp and then allow it to lay flat to dry.