- 1). Use old buttons as a substitution for beads to make necklaces, bracelets or earrings. You can attach buttons to shanks (rings), or thread chains and wires through existing holes or holes you make yourself.
- 2). Look for old hardware sitting in a junk drawer or toolbox. Washers, screws and bolts can be glued or soldered to all sorts of findings. Washers are particularly good for charms and earrings.
- 3). Make pendants out of twist-off bottle caps. Decoupage pictures from old books into the cap and use resin to create a nice seal.
- 4). Drill holes in old Scrabble tiles to create pendants or earrings. If you're missing pieces from an old game of Scrabble, this is a great way to reuse the tiles.
- 5). Keep an eye out at the local thrift shop for inexpensive vintage jewelry. Take apart several pieces of old jewelry and put the pieces back together in a different pattern.
- 6). During trips to the beach, look for sea glass and shells washed up on the shore. These can be used in place of expensive beads.