- 1). Gather your strings together and line up the ends at the top and bottom. Tie all strings together in a knot, 1 1/2 inches from one end.
- 2). Separate your strings and place them in the following order: red, yellow, green and black. Number them 1 through 4 from left to right.
- 3). Cross String 1 over String 2, so the two together form the shape of a 4. Thread the tail of String 1 through the hole in the 4. Pull String 1 from its tail to tighten until a knot is formed. Repeat to make a double knot. You will use this forward double-knot for every knot throughout the remainder of the bracelet. String 1 ends up on the right of String 2; do not re-number the strings.
- 4). Tie String 1 -- the red string -- onto String 3 in the same manner as you tied it onto String 2. You get a second red knot, and String 1 ends up to the right of String 3. Finish the row by tying String 1 onto String 4. You end up with String 1 all the way on the right, and a row of three red knots.
- 5). Re-number your strings after completing the row; the yellow string becomes String 1, green is String 2, and so on. Repeat all previous steps to tie String 1 onto each of the other strings, until it ends up at the end of the row. Re-number after the row is complete; the color of String 1 determines the color of the row.
- 6). Continue making rows until the bracelet is as long as you want. Gather the strings together at the end and tie in a single knot at the bottom of the bracelet.
- 7). Trim the excess string, leaving a short tail of approximately 1 1/2 inches. Bring both tails together and tie in a double knot to secure your bracelet.