- 1). Click "Start" on your Vista computer.
- 2). Type "regedit" into the blank box located above the "Start" button. Press "OK" or "Enter" to load the Registry Editor.
- 3). Go to "Edit" and "Find" on the toolbar of the Registry Editor. Copy and paste this key into the box: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa." Press "Enter."
- 4). Double-click "LmCompatibilityLevel" key. Type "3" into the "Value Data" box. This is the default setting, but you can also choose to set a security level with a number between "0" and "5." Click "OK." Close the Registry Editor menu.
- 5). Go to "Start" and type "gpedit.msc" into the blank box. Press "Enter." This will open the Group Policy Editor.