- 1). Measure the width of your wrist using cloth measuring tape. If you do not have measuring tape, wrap the fabric around your wrist and mark the length. Add 2 inches to your wrist measurement for the total length of the bracelet.
- 2). Fold the fabric in half. Cut two strips of fabric to the appropriate length. You can choose any width, though 2 to 3 inches works best for a cuff bracelet.
- 3). Place the two strips on top of each other so that the patterned sides, or the good side, are facing inward.
- 4). Sew along the top and bottom of the bracelet horizontally using your needle and thread. Do not sew the sides vertically.
- 5). Make a small cut with your scissors about 1/2 inch away from the edge of the bracelet. The cut should go through both layers of fabric and should be wide enough to fit the button through. Sew around the edges of the cut.
- 6). Turn the bracelet right-side out. The sewing seams will be hidden and the patterned side should be showing.
- 7). Attach the button to the opposite end of the cut with your needle and thread. Ensure that it is sturdily attached. Knot the thread and tie off to complete your scrap fabric cuff bracelet.