- It's the job of PR people to promote events and organizations, and a network of PR contacts can be an invaluable resource for a reporter. Most times, PR firms known in advance of events that won't become public knowledge for some time, so making contacts with members of the PR firm can be invaluable in breaking stories.
- Private schools are always looking for good publicity to increase future enrollments and usually have a person in the specific role of PR contact for local papers and TV stations. Private and public schools alike are great resources for feel-good feature stories about outstanding athletes, student fundraisers, plays, clubs and organizations.
- Board meetings are a wealth on information about what's going on around town, and they're especially good for finding out what people are interested in and involved in championing, defending or opposing.
There is usually a portion of meetings that the public is allowed to speak, and the most adamant of speakers can bring up the most intriguing points. - When it comes to crimes and public disturbances, there's no better place to get the leads than the first people to know about it.
- Organizations that champion any one of a number of causes usually depend on fundraising for their survival and are always host to any number of events, drives and benefits. Contacting one organization open up a treasure trove of stories, from features on the organization's causes and members to investigative articles finding out just what is behind the organization.
- State universities are another great source for stories about school plays, research breakthroughs, sports teams, local students and speakers from all over the world.
- The arts and entertainment sections of the paper would look bare without these fountains of knowledge; they're great sources for events and traveling exhibits from all over the world.
Public Relations Companies
Town and School Board Meetings
Police and Fire Reports and Scanners
Charity Organizations and Non-Profit Organizations
Museums and Art Galleries