- 1). Determine where you would want your frogs sewn on. Do so by measuring the item and estimating how many enclosures you would like on the garment.
- 2). Prepare your frogs. You can choose to either create your own frogs out of cord, or buy them pre-made in a store or online. If you choose to make your own, decide how elaborate you'd like it to be. Start out with a three-loop frog if you're a beginner and have never made your own frog fasteners.
- 3). Start your frog by placing the end of the cording 1/2 over the edge of the jacket's edge. Pin in place. Make a downward loop and pin at its apex. Make a 1 inch teardrop-shaped loop to the right, and pin at the apex. Then make an upward loop and pin. All of your loops will be this same size and shape.
- 4). Stitch the loops onto the fabric, working in small stitches from underneath so they will not be seen from the front of the garment. Remove pins as you work.
- 5). Cut your cord to be slightly over the edge of the jacket. Stitch the frog into place. Take the edges of the cord and sew at least 1/4 of an inch's length to the underside of the jacket, trimming off the last 1/4 inch.
- 6). Repeat steps 1-3 on the opposite side, taking care to make matching loops and a fourth loop that extends over the jacket's edge. This loop will go around the button, so make it a bit smaller than the others. Tuck edges underneath and sew.
- 7). Sew into the fabric from the underside. Attach button on opposite side.