Things You'll Need
1Purchase your fabric in long pieces so there is minimal cutting involved in this quilting project. The printed side will be the top of the quilt for reference in this article only, for it is truly reversible. Purchase the batting and the thread as well so that you are assured of a good match.
Clear a large table of everything and washing it off prepares your workspace. Using a large table allows you to have plenty of space on which to pin together the outside of your quilt. Begin by lying one piece of fabric on the table allowing it to hang off the edges, once it is all smoothed out, lay the other piece of fabric on it wrong side facing upward.
Pin the two pieces of fabric together on one of the longer sides and continue pinning a short side as well as the other long side. What you have done is created a huge pillowcase like piece of material and you can turn it right side out if desired at this point to see a glimpse of what it will become.
Turn the quilt wrong side out, like it was pinned it allows you to first stitch a quarter inch seam. Locate the unpinned side and you will begin sewing your quarter inch seam on the long side at the bottom right side of the quilt. Continue sewing around the quilt with this quarter inch seam and stop at the unpinned section. Find the location where you begin with your quarter inch seam and sew a half inch seam the as you did the other and stop at the unpinned section.
Cut off excess tails of thread, turn your quilt so that the right side of the material is outward. Feed the batting up from the unpinned section of your quilt, making sure it reaches the top of the quilt. Secure the batting in random places with the pins working your way back to the unpinned portion of your quilt. Once your quilt is all stuffed, go ahead and sew up the bottom of your quilt, this is now the part, which hangs over the foot of the bed. Hand sewing little stitches catches the batting to both parts of the quilt. Remember to remove the pins as you finish your quilt.