- Utilities give users additional capabilities on their computers.computer image by martini from Fotolia.com
Microsoft Windows is the one of the most common operating systems used on computers. With updated versions being released regularly, designers increase the usefulness and ease of use for users. Several utilities built in to Windows or available for download will enhance the user's computer experience. - Audacity allows users to create a custom audio mix to play for parties, dances or any other event where you need to adjust the original track. Users can change the length of the audio clip or edit out segments that were not correct. To become proficient, the user needs to practice with the software, trying different techniques to discover what works best for him. The interface focuses on the more common tasks that users will need, such as mixing and dubbing. Download this free utility at audacity.sourceforge.net.
- ArsClip keeps track of the entries that the user copies to the clipboard. This utility maintains a running list of the past 15 entries, which is extremely useful for users who wish to copy several items to the clipboard at one time. The user can paste the item of her choosing with a simple click. Additional features include maintaining multiple permanent item groups and keypress emulation. Download this free utility at joejoesoft.com.
- Open Office compares to Microsoft Office and includes word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database capabilities. Open Office includes most of the commonly used features in Microsoft Office, such as templates, macros, and collaborative features. Open Office is compatible with Microsoft Office and can open documents created in Microsoft Office or save files in a format compatible with Microsoft Office. You can also save files as PDF or HTML files. Open Office also includes an export tool to coordinate with Google Docs and blog publishing. Find this utility for free at openoffice.org.
Open Office