- 1). Determine the speed of the CPU's internal clock. To do this, right click on the "my computer" icon on your desktop. Left click on "properties" and then on the "general" tab. You will then get a screen displaying your computer's internal clock speed. The information should be located at the bottom right hand corner of the screen and will be displayed in either MHz or GHz. An alternate way to display this information is by accessing "my computer" from the windows "start" menu and then right clicking on "my computer" from there.
- 2). Determine the speed of the computer's frontside bus. This information should be displayed on the same page as your computer's internal clock speed.The frontside bus speed should be indicated by the label "FSB."
- 3). Divide the internal clock speed by the speed of the frontside bus. The result is the CPU's multiplier. For example, if you had a CPU with an internal clock speed of 122MHz and a front side bus speed of 12MHz you would divide 122 by 12 to get a multiplier of 10. Before you do the division it is important that both speeds are expressed in the same units. To convert MHz to GHz, multiply the MHz by 1000.