- 1). Secure the beach balls together using cardboard and duct tape. One beach ball should be larger than the other. Cut out a rectangle of cardboard and tape the edges together to make a cylinder. Make a platform for the balls to sit in by cutting incisions into each end and splaying them out. The structure should be secure before continuing.
- 2). Mix glue with water to make a paste or follow your own favorite papier mache recipe. Cut the newspaper into strips. As this is a large project, you will need a substantial amount of strips at hand.
- 3). Create the cork feature of the gourd by twisting a few pieces of newspaper into a ring and taping them to the smaller beach ball. Scrunch up more newspaper and insert it into the newspaper ring and tape it into place. This will create the opening of the gourd and the bung.
- 4). Dip the newspaper strips into the paste and layer them onto the gourd structure. Allow the first layer to dry before applying more. You will need at least four layers on the top section and eight on the bottom section. Keep layering the newspaper until you are happy with the gourd shape. Leave the gourd to dry overnight.
- 5). Paint the gourd with a light brown or tan acrylic paint using a thick brush. Apply at least two coats for even coverage. Wait for the base paint to dry before adding further decoration to the gourd.
- 6). Use a dark brown color to paint the cork. Use a thin brush to paint the 'aged' lines on the gourd with the same color. Detailing the gourd in this way gives it a more realistic look.
- 7). Copy the symbols onto your gourd using black paint and a medium thickness brush. Alternatively you can print them from your computer and stick them on. Use the same tan paint as before to blend the images and cover the paper edges.
- 8). Wrap a long strip of red or brown fabric around the middle section of the gourd. Secure the fabric with strong adhesive so that it won't slip when you strap it to your back. Leave enough fabric hanging from the gourd to wrap around your shoulder and waist.
- 1). Dye your hair red with a temporary dye or spray in color. Alternatively, if you do not want to color your hair, purchase a red wig and shape the hair to imitate Gaara's hairstyle.
- 2). Attach a thin strip of fabric around the lower left leg and another around the thigh of the right leg. If you are wearing a red coat use brown fabric and grey when wearing a black coat.
- 3). Put on the sandals, pants and coat. Wrap the strip of brown fabric around your waist and tie in a knot at the front.
- 4). Cover your face in white face paint and let it dry before adding more detail. If your eye color is different from Gaara's light blue, insert colored contact lenses. Outline your eyes with black eyeliner, this will emphasize the contact lenses and create Gaara's defined stare. Paint the kanji symbol over your left eye with a thin brush and red face paint or with a red eye pencil. See resources for an image of the kanji symbol for "love" to copy.
- 5). Strap the finished gourd to your back by looping the fabric over your left shoulder and wrapping it around your waist. Tie the fabric securely and move around to test its security.
The Gourd
The Body