- 1). Turn on the PC. Start tapping the "F8" key until the Advanced Options menu appears. Select "Safe Mode" from the onscreen menu. Press "Enter."
- 2). Launch the web browser once the desktop has appeared by selecting it from the "Start," "All Applications" menu.
- 3). Download the XP_FixLogon login registry repair program to the desktop (see Resources). Double-click the file to decompress it to a program on the desktop.
- 4). Double-click the file login registry program to launch it. Click the "Check file login" button on the program's screen. Click the "Repair file login" button when it is no longer dimmed. Quit the file registry program after clicking "OK" in the confirmation window that appears.
- 5). Shut down Windows by selecting "Turn Off Computer" from the Start menu. Click the "Turn Off" button in the pop-up window.