- 1). Back up all the files from Windows XP Home, since upgrading requires a fresh install of Windows XP Professional. Click on "Finder," located on your dock (by default the left side), open the "Applications" folder, open the "Utilities" folder and click on "Boot Camp Assistant" to start it. Your Mac might ask you to update your Mac's firmware before allowing you to use Boot Camp; if this is the case, download the latest Apple firmware from Apple's "Support Downloads" web page (see Resources).
- 2). Create a "Macintosh Drivers CD" (if you don't already have one) by putting a blank burnable CD into your Mac and selecting the "Burn a Macintosh Drivers CD Now" option and clicking on "Continue."
- 3). Choose "Create or remove a Windows Partition" and click "Continue." Click on the "Restore" button to remove Windows Home and restore your Mac to a single partition. Enter your password when prompted to begin restoration. Quit Boot Camp. Repeat Step 1 to reopen Boot Camp and then skip to Step 4.
- 4). Partition your Mac's hard drive to create a new space for Windows XP Professional by dragging the small dot between the partition space and your hard-drive space boxes to choose your partition size. Click the "Partition" button to begin partitioning your hard drive.
- 5). Insert the Windows XP Professional installation disc when prompted by Boot Camp and click on "Start Installation." Press "Enter" at the Windows XP Professional setup welcome screen and select the partition you just created. Select the appropriate format option. FAT is designed for small partitions while NTFS is designed for large partitions. There might be a few screens that pop up during the Windows installation that warn you that some Mac components are not compatible with Windows; select the "Continue Anyway" option each time.
- 6). Remove the Windows XP Professional installation disc when the install has finished. Insert the "Macintosh Drivers CD" and follow the simple instructions to install all the Mac drivers.
- 7). Restart your computer. Change between your two operating systems at any time by holding the "Option" button on the keyboard and clicking on the operating system you would like to use.