- 1). Download the latest compatibility update for Windows Vista (see Resources section). This will give your computer the best chance of functioning properly with Acrobat 5.
- 2). Right-click on your Adobe Acrobat 5 program, and scroll down to select "Properties."
- 3). Click on the "Compatibility" tab. Click on the check box next to "Run this program in compatibility mode" and select Windows XP from the scroll down menu. Click "OK" and attempt to run the program. If not successful, move on to the next step.
- 4). Try different combinations of settings on your Compatibility tab. For example, Acrobat may work better if you run it in Windows 2000 mode with a 640X480 screen resolution while running the program as an administrator. Test out every option. If none of them work, move on to the next step.
- 5). Purchase and download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat from the Adobe website. You must upgrade because Adobe Acrobat 5 will not work on your Vista machine (but your files will still work on the newer version). You can try out all Adobe products for 30 days as a free trial in order to ensure that the software will work properly on your machine.