- Inside the main window, you will see four sections: the list of tracks, timeline, Explorer window, and mixer. The track list lets you rename and set the order of the tracks in your project. The timeline shows the sound events that occur during the track, along with beat and time rulers. In the timeline window, you can edit the individual events in the track or add new events. The Explorer window provides a constant view of Windows Explorer, making it easy to drag new tracks into the project. The mixer allows you to preview each track and set the overall volume level and the volume level of any synth events you have added to the track.
- Acid Music Studio makes it easy to manipulate the audio events in your existing tracks. To add a clip into a track, simply drag it from the Explorer window and drop it at the desired point in the timeline. You can use the paint tool to quickly add multiple events into one or more tracks. Once the event has been added to the timeline, its length can be adjusted or certain sections of the event can be erased. The mix for an entire track can be manipulated from the track list window. The pan fader controls the location of the track for stereo playback. The sound can be moved from the left speaker to the right or anywhere in between.
- You can record sound into an existing track or open a new one. If you are using an existing track, you can move the timeline cursor to a certain point to add the new recording at that spot. The meter on the right of the screen displays the quality of the incoming signal as you record. If the signal is very poor, a "clip" warning is shown, indicating that the recording will be distorted. When recording from a MIDI device, you can play back the existing audio simultaneously from your computer speaker, helping you stay in time with the track.
Main Window
Working with Projects